
更新时间:2023-02 来源:网友投稿

This CONTRACT is made on the _th of_(month), _(year) by and between_(hereinafter called “Party A”) of the one part, and _(hereinafter called “Party B”) of the other part.


WHEREAS    鉴于。。。


1.24 承包商的设备是指在工程实施,完成及其修补缺陷过程中所需的全部装置和任何性质的物品,但不包括预定构成或构成永久工程一部分的设备,材料或其他物品。

1.25 “Section” means a part of the Works specifically identified in the Contract as a section.

1.25 区段是指合同中具体指定作为一个区段的工程的一部分。

1.26 Site” means the places provided by the Employer where the works are to be executed and any other places as may be specifically designated in the Contract as forming part of the site.

1.26 现场是指由雇主提供的用于进行工程施工的场所以及在合同中可能明确指定现场组成部分的任何其他场所。